Swap Fee Distribution
Protocol's revenues from swap transactions are transferred to the Hera AI Treasury. AI-powered VaultManager handles the distribution of these revenues.
Distribution Planning
30% - Ecosystem Funding
Hera's treasury project helps to develop and maintain revenue collection. It is designed to cover many facets of Hera's ecosystem.
Hera AI Protocol must be an absolute treasure for its survival, and this treasure must be strengthened as much as possible. In this regard, 30% of the income from the protocol earnings is transferred to the treasury to cover possible expenses and expand the Hera AI project.
20% - Marketing & Development
The expenses required for the healthy operation of the aggregator and auxiliary applications are covered. It also provides the necessary funds for marketing activities.
Hera AI project provides off-chain services both on the blockchain and on off-chain servers. There is a significant expense in terms of data center and processing capacity. A 20% share is taken from this distribution in order to cover the expenses and introduce it to more people.
Buy-Back and Liquidity Provide
(Rate: 0-50% | Decision Maker: AI Powered VaultManager)
According to the report recommendations presented by VaultManager, Hera Tokens may be subject to buybacks from the market. Bought tokens can be held in the treasury, added to liquidity or transferred to the Staking Portal.
We have programmed a unique artificial intelligence module to reduce the initiative of the team and turn their decisions into a positive direction. By making a detailed analysis about Hera AI Token, it reports how much buyback should be made to the team and how much it should add to the liquidity. It also instantly examines treasury resources for liquidity. These reports are presented off-chain, buyback and liquidity addition transactions are done on-chain with the VaultManager contract.
Transactions are public on the contract.
Rewards Pool Funding
(Rate: 0-50% | Decision Maker: AI Powered VaultManager)
Funds are provided for staking portal rewards and rewards for app usage. It only trades for certain periods so that the pool can pay out sustainably. These transactions also include buy-back.
According to the VaultManager decision, a determined number of tokens are sent to the Staking Portal to be distributed to users. Protocol revenues and distribution are directly proportional. For this reason, the APR rates of staking and farming pools vary periodically.
Periods of Distribution
(Decision Maker: AI Powered VaultManager)
Just like the distribution percentages, the artificial intelligence algorithm decides when the distribution will be made. Performs market analysis, checks token price and liquidities, monitors volumes and examines funds in the treasury; After all this, it sends a report to the team to take action.
Last updated