Swagger API
EmporiaSDK Swagger API - v1.1
Datasets providing access to the SDK have not been updated for a long time. Please note that the SDK may not function properly until the completion of the V3 upgrade!
Hera AI Dex Aggregator - Swap Protocol API
Metis Mainnet Release
Using Hera AI Aggregation protocol API, you can find the best route to exchange assets and make the exchange. Progressing:
Lookup addresses of tokens you want to swap, for example ‘0xxx’ , ‘0xxxx’ for USDC -> METIS
Check for allowance and if necessary give approval for HeraAggregatorV2 contract to spend token (/allowance)
Monitor the best exchange route using (/quote)
When you ready use to perform swap (/swap)
EmporiaSDK is now available on Metis Mainnet. Other chains are coming soon!
Swagger Paths:
Quote (Pathfinder)
Last updated